I have found that by making rings and other jewelry I have the chance to make people smile. When life gets in your way, you are able to look at what you are wearing and think of the people who gave them to you, or remember a memory that has touched your heart, it seems to get us by those things that could have slowed us down.
As I make things I sometimes think of what they could mean to someone, like a granddaughter who wears her grandmothers ring and looks at it and remembers all the times they had together, or the soldiers wife at home looking at her hand waiting for her love to come home, the bride on her wedding day, the memories of a day or an accomplishment long past, a promise kept, I could go on for days
I have always felt that when I make a ring it is vary important to do your best work as if you were making each one for someone you love this way years from now when I am long gone the things I have made will still be being passed down from generation to generation it just makes me do my best work www.facebook.com/#!/JandSGems www.etsy.com/shop/JandSGems www.jandsgems.com/